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Almost all the hills in the Susegana area comprise blue clays and conglomerates, largely dating back to the Pliocene period (about 5 million years
ago). These hills were later raised in a second phase during the Quaternary period (Pleistocene).
During this phase, warmer periods (interglacial periods) alternated with cold periods (glacial periods), which caused the formation of extensive
ice sheets.
Advancing, the ice deeply changed the morphology of the local area, changing the course of rivers, modifying the existing orography and
destroying vegetation. At the glacier fronts, meltwaters opened up new routes for watercourses and covered plains with debris.
The nearest glacial formation to us was the Pieve glacier, which covered a much more extensive basin than the course of the river of the same
name. At Ponte nelle Alpi, the glacial front split into two branches. The largest branch moved in a south-west direction entirely covering Val
Belluna. Instead, the smallest branch moved down Val Lapisina, on one side, invading the Soligo valley (currently Longhere, Revine, Lago,
Follina). On the other side, it crossed the Serravalle gorge, stretching towards the plain and, on thawing, created a morainic amphitheatre around
Vittorio Veneto and the neighbouring areas of Conegliano, including Susegana.
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Via Cucco n.72, 31058 Susegana Loc. Collalto (TV) - ITALIA
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